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In a world so complex, she shines with simplicity, A girl whose true essence remains a mystery. People see her, but they fail to truly perceive, the depth of her being, and the stories she weaves.

Her favourite colour is purple, they may know, But the reason behind it, they fail to bestow. It harks back to her school days, long ago, when she was the first to arrive and last to leave When tulips in the garden became her playful show.

She cherishes the rain, the thunder's a mighty roar, but its significance, they know not anymore. It takes her back to her childhood's rainy delight when family car rides brought immense joy and light. The brother cheer with joy with the wheel splashed in the water, and the sound of thunder would make her mom hold her tight.

The starry sky holds a special place in her heart, But its connection, they fail to impart. It reminds her of nights with siblings so dear, when they use to sneak up on the roof, lay Under the stars, sharing secrets without fear till dawn clocks them up.

Fairy lights bring a sparkle to her eyes, But the story behind it, they seem to surmise. When darkness scared her as a child, her brother would stay up nearly all night, Reading Goosebumps with a touch light, with no trace of fear.

There is no surprise, She loves pets, willing to adopt any she finds, But the bond with animals, they leave behind. Her grandfather, a vet, shared his wisdom and love, Creating a deep connection like a hand in a glove.

They know she loves her sister, that much is clear, But the depth of their bond, they cannot adhere. Her sister gave her purpose, strength, and ambition, A driving force to achieve a better life's rendition.

The world sees what they want, a mere facade, Thinking they understand, yet missing the unclad. They fail to grasp the intricate layers within, The depth of her soul, where true stories begin.

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